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  1.  gain visibility!
  2.  more regular meetings of the members to exchange ideas and know-how.
  3.  a yearly 1-day event (responsible: Bernard Geurts, #1 event Spring 2016)
  4.  Monthly lecture series (M&M) on computational science (ongoing since 2012)
    (responsible: C. Filippi, W. den Otter, T. Weinhart)
  5. Teaching: Computational Course Program for MSc and PhDs as well as 
    interested staff. (responsible: Stefan Luding - TGS-CSE professor).
  6.  Collaboration and Exchange
    1. National collaboration and exchange 
      (3TU, JMBC, EM, Stefan Luding)
      for example with:
      3. open up connections to GW, ITC, etc.
    2.  International collaboration and Exchange 
      (International Liaison-Officer: Claudia Filippi)
      - for example with:
      1. M"unster: Center for Multiscale Theory and Computation (CMTC)
        1st and 2nd UT-CMTC Minisymposium series started in 2015.
  7.  common facilities
    1.  (hardware: computing clusters) to be purchased together 
      and maintained together to both a: get a better deal, and b: save money on the
      long term by less technical assistance needed for fewer computing clusters.
      (responsible Anthony Thornton)
    2. common facilities (software) facilitate use and exchange of commercial licences
      used by various groups. (Ton van den Boogaard)
    3. open source projects (Anthony Thornton)
    4. inventory of existing codes and expertise (Ton van den Boogaard and Anthony Thornton)
    5. data-managment (Ton van den Boogaard and Stefand Luding)
  8.  joint projects across the faculties and institutes 
    => involving MSc students (across the faculties, exchanges) and PhDs (TGS-CSE)
  9.  stronger standing to obtain additional funding, national, european, etc.
  10. Provide a stronger face to industrial partners and other universities.
  11. Outreach:
    1. CuriousU (Anthony Thornton and Bernard Geurts)
    2. Outreach Design Workshop (March 2015, V. Magnanimo and S. Luding)
  12. offer consultancy and expertise to external partners of the UT
  13. organise courses on compuational science and engineering

1 - Strong and top-quality computational activities in Twente, but
spattered across the faculties and institutes - so there is no natural
host or umbrella where we can gather => so we need a common group.
2 - become more visible, both inside and outside UT, as well as at industry.
3 - multiple more added values as specified further below.
We form a group of people who -- based on content, science, ... --
have a common interest in computing.
D - Actions:
A1 - SL/BG/CF possible names:
TCSC: Twente Centre for Scientific Computing (proposal by BG,AP)
TCCSE: Twente Centre for Computational Science and Engineering (proposal by SL)
UTC-CoMo: University of Twente Centre for Computational Modeling (proposal by JH)
(University of) Twente centre of scientific modelling and computation (by HK)
TODO ... organize voting ... but first collect some more proposals.
A2 - AT - get a website-under the domain
preference would be BEFORE i.e.
and not below another institute or faculty. Then set-up
the website -> we need professional help for this. (20k)