Final Plan (please time are BST i.e. add one hour on if in the the Netherlands)
12:00: Lunch
12:40: Thomas Weinhart, The current volume and surface coupling oomph-lib-MercuryDPM interface
13:00: Anthony Thornton, Packing grains in a pouch: A industry case study of oomph-lib-MercuryDPM in the cloud.
13:30: Andrew Hazel, Multi-physics and parallelism in oomph-lib (discussion)
14:00: Igor Ostanin, Clump particles in MercuryDPM (Online) 14:15: Mohammed Hassan, Simple Test: Equilibrium of Solid-Particles under Gravity (online) 1
4:30: Matthias Heil & Aiden Retallick & Foeppl--Von--Karman problems in oomph-lib (discussion) 15:00: Coffee & Cakes 1
5:30: Juan Esteban Alvarez, Heat transfer modelling in discrete and continuum media - MercuryDPM and oomph-lib approaches.
15:45: Discussion
Tuesday Arrival Day (19th), Wednesday Chat (20th), Thursday Workshop (21st), Friday Chat and Beers (22nd)