- gain visibility!
- regular meetings of the members to exchange ideas and know-how.
- a yearly 1-day event (responsible: Bernard Geurts, #1 event Spring 2016)
- Monthly lecture series (M&M) on computational science (ongoing since 2012)
(responsible: C. Filippi, W. den Otter, T. Weinhart)
- Teaching: Computational Course Program for MSc and PhDs as well
- as
interested staff. (responsible: Stefan Luding - TGS-CSE professor).
- Collaboration and Exchange
- National collaboration and
- exchange
(3TU, JMBC, EM, Stefan Luding)
for example with:
- exchange
- open up connections to GW, ITC, etc.
- International collaboration and
- Exchange
(International Liaison-Officer: Claudia Filippi)
- for example with:
- Exchange
- M"unster: Center for Multiscale Theory and Computation (CMTC)
1st and 2nd UT-CMTC Minisymposium series started in 2015.
- M"unster: Center for Multiscale Theory and Computation (CMTC)
- common facilities
- (hardware: computing clusters) to be purchased
- together
and maintained together to both a: get a better deal, and b: save money on the
long term by less technical assistance needed for fewer computing clusters.
(responsible Anthony Thornton)
- together
- common facilities (software) facilitate use and exchange of commercial licences
used by various groups. (Ton van den Boogaard)
- common facilities (software) facilitate use and exchange of commercial licences
- open source projects (Anthony Thornton)
- inventory of existing codes and expertise (Ton van den Boogaard and Anthony Thornton)
- data-managment (Ton van den Boogaard and
- Stefan Luding)
- data-backup (There is no facility on the campus for TByte backup!)
- cloud computing - as provider (to be implemented)
- cloud computing - the Centre can get better deals as bigger user!
- joint projects across the faculties and
- institutes
=> involving MSc students (across the faculties, exchanges) and PhDs (TGS-CSE)
- stronger standing to obtain additional funding, national, european, etc.
- provide a stronger face to industrial partners and other universities.
- Outreach:
- CuriousU (Anthony Thornton and Bernard Geurts)
- Outreach Design Workshop (March 2015, V. Magnanimo and S. Luding)
- offer consultancy and expertise to external partners of the UT
- organize courses on
- computational science
- , engineering, ...