Why this website? and what is the added value for you, and for the UTwente?
- Strong and top-quality computational activities in Twente, but spattered across the faculties and institutes -
=> so there is no natural host or umbrella where we can gather => so we need a common group/centre/platform. - become Become more visible as a group, both inside and outside UT, as well as at for industry.
- multiple Multiple more added values as specified further below.
We form a group of people who -- based on content, science, ... --
have a common interest in computing.
D - Actions:
A1 - SL/BG/CF possible names:
TCSC: Twente Centre for Scientific Computing (proposal by BG,AP)
TCCSE: Twente Centre for Computational Science and Engineering (proposal by SL)
UTC-CoMo: University of Twente Centre for Computational Modeling (proposal by JH)
(University of) Twente centre of scientific modelling and computation (by HK)
TODO ... organize voting ... but first collect some more proposals.
A2 - AT - get a website-under the utwente.nl domain
preference would be BEFORE i.e. XXX.utwente.nl
and not below another institute or faculty. Then set-up
the website -> we need professional help for this. (20k)