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Discussion items

ItemWhoAction byNotes
Last meeting 2018-10-16 Meeting notesrelease 
RNGAnthony Thornton

post warning,

move to reneric rng (Mersenne Twister)

ReleaseAnthony Thornton
Merge-Merge messages should start with "MERGE:: "

Has a problem with setChuteAngle
Anthony Thornton discuss with Yousef
Yousef Shaheen will remember and then discuss with Anthony.


svn change your password working.



Thornton add instructions to alpha welcome email

Changes to be ported back.

Cleanup of Driver directory
New user Three users have been added
Irana Is bugfixing the non-spherical branch
-> maybe Luca's job?

Collect Videos (add Luca to credits)

Next meeting 

Monday, 11:00 in two weeks

Due to Christmas, next meet is Jan 9, 11:00.

Issues other


new release not working on Mac

three alpha users waiting for access

We will have a Mercury month this year again after Easter.

Let's plan a new MercuryDPM trip (e.g. Santorini) in 2020