Versions Compared


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Here is a list of Mercury features, to get an overview. Useful for Developing new release, and for the website. It's based on the features I (Thomas) recognise, so please add.

AngledPeriodic  Periodic ConstantMassFlowMaserCubeDeletionHeater  HopperInsertionLeesEdwardsPolydisperseInsertion  
CGBoundary PeriodicCGHandlerAngledPeriodicX X X 
CGBoundary PeriodicStatisticsVectorPeriodicXXX 
BoundaryPeriodicCircularPeriodic XXX 
BoundaryPeriodicLeesEdwards XX  
BoundaryInsertionInsertionX X 
BoundaryInsertionBidisperseCubeInsertion X   
BoundaryInsertionChuteChuteInsertion X X X 
BoundaryMaserInsertionHopperInsertion X   
BoundaryDeletionInsertionPolydisperseInsertion X   
Boundary?MaserFluxConstantMassFlowMaser X   
Boundary?MaserMaser -XX To be deprecated
BoundaryInsertionMaserSubcriticalMaser X   Why is there a SubcriticalMaserBoundaryTEST?

Maser that does not depend on species conversion, and can be used in parallel.

Now mostly works in its branch, however it segfaults every once in a while for no apparent reason.

Should replace SubcriticalMaserBoundary or MaserBoundary (keep one) in the future.

BoundaryInsertionDeletionDeletion XXX 
BoundaryPeriodicDeletionShearBoxCubeDeletion X   
BoundaryMaserOtherFluxSubcriticalMaserX   Why is there a SubcriticalMaserBoundaryTEST?
FFM FFM BoundaryOtherHeaterX   
InteractionNormalLinear X X X 
InteractionNormalLinearPlastic X X X 
InteractionNormalHertz X X XWhat kind of dissipation law
InteractionNormalSinter X X Contains multiple laws; split?
InteractionNormalThermal<NormalInteraction> X X  
InteractionAdhesionBonded X X  
InteractionAdhesionChargedBonded X X  
InteractionAdhesionReversible X X X 
InteractionAdhesionIrreversible X X X 
InteractionAdhesionLiquidBridgeWillet X X X 
InteractionAdhesionLiquidMigration X X  
InteractionAdhesionParhamiMcMeeking X X Remove
InteractionFrictionSlidingFriction X X XRename Sliding
InteractionFrictionFriction X X XRename SlidingRollingTorsion
InteractionFrictionMindlin X X Rename MindlinSliding
InteractionFrictionMindlinRollingTorsion X X Rename MindlinSlidingRollingTorsion
Particle Spherical XX  X

Simply called BaseParticle in Alpha/Beta/Release

Make BaseParticle abstract to enforce use of Spherical



 X   Currently only the ellipsoids are reliable - for the others the volume & inertia test are commented out.
Particle LiquidFilm<Particle> X X  
Particle Thermal<Particle>XX  
Walls InfiniteXXXRename Planar
Walls VTKWriterIntersectionOfWallsXXX 
ParticleWalls   AxisymmetricIntersectionOfWallsXXX 
VTKWriterWalls WallBasicIntersectionOfWalls X X  
VTKWriterWalls InteractionRestricted<Wall> X X  
Walls InfiniteTriangulated X X Rename PlanarUses its own neighborhood detection; might be deprecated, as Triangle is better
Walls IntersectionOfWalls


 X   Can read STL and VTK; uses HGrid
Walls AxisymmetricIntersectionOfWallsScrew X X X 
Walls BasicIntersectionOfWallsCoil X X X 
Walls Restricted<Wall>Arc X   
Walls TriangulatedCombtooth X   
Walls CylindricalTriangleX X X Can read STL and VTK; uses HGrid
Walls ScrewInfiniteWallWithHole X X X 
Walls CoilLevelSet X   
Walls ArcParabolaChute X   
Walls CombtoothSineWall X   
Walls CylindricalSphericalWall X X  
Walls InfiniteWallWithHoleVChute X   
WallsParaview LevelSetParticleVTKWriter X   
WallsParaview ParabolaChuteWallVTKWriter X   
WallsParaview SineWallInteractionVTKWriter X   
WallsParaview SphericalWallSuperQuadricGlyph X   Walls
Fast Multipole Method VChuteFFM X   Finished?
MPI Parallel computation X   
Reader ParticleAnalytics2MercuryDPM X X  
WriterReader BinaryOutputp3statistics X X X Deprecate
HGrid HGrid/Mercury2D/Mercury3D/PossibleContact X X XDoes PossibleContact still work?
Handlers Walls/Particles/Species/Interactions/CGXXX 
CG CGHandler/MercuryCGX  Successor to fstatistics
CG StatisticsVector/fstatisticsXXX 
Logger LoggerXXX 
Timer MercuryTimeXXXShould use chronos
Random numbers RNGXXX 
Demos Tutorial1-10XXX 
Demos FreeCooling (2D/3D/Adhesive)XXXSplit Demo and SelfTests
Demos FreeFallXXXWe need more Demos: Compaction.
Demos HourGlass (2D/3D)XXX 
Demos NewtonsCradle/SquarePacking/CubicPackingXXX 
TimerDemos RoughbottomMercuryTImeXX  
Demos ChuteXX  
Demos HopperXX  
Demos LeesEdwardsXXXChanged over time
Demos SuperQuadricDemos, e.g. GranularCollapseX   
Deprecated Features Files XXClass structure has been flattened

Todo expand on Demos