- Hao on loadstatistics.m: stat files are loaded into Matlab as nx-by-ny-by-nz matrices, such that you can easily use the default plot commands. But it needs documentationdocumentation
Jira Legacy server jira.mercurydpm.org JIRA columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 3f5d657c-4fe6-3b36-bc87-39e3bb269fa2 key MDPM-273 - Hao mentioned that to attract more users, we need better Documentation and a better search in our Documentation. Agreed.
- Juan wants to use MercuryMonth to work on a User manual, separate to the function documentation we have right now. Everyone thinks that is a good idea.
Jira Legacy server jira.mercurydpm.org JIRA serverId 3f5d657c-4fe6-3b36-bc87-39e3bb269fa2 key MDPM-274 - Thomas needs to invite Mark for the Mercury Month
- Hong and Mitchel either need separate branches, or at least separate folders in their branch. They will take care of it themselves.
- Thomas will add a function computeCGField<T>(Vec3D position,double cutoff,T(BaseParticle*) getField) to Mercury to efficiently evaluate CG fields in Mercury using the HGrid.