Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Review last meeting | | 2017-08-08 Meeting notes |
| Name of restarted application | Thomas Weinhart | - readFromRestartFile and initialiseFromRestart, latter doesn't change the name and resets file counter; link in documentation
Jira Legacy |
showSummary | false |
server | jira.mercurydpm.org JIRA |
serverId | 3f5d657c-4fe6-3b36-bc87-39e3bb269fa2 |
key | MDPM-242 |
- Thomas Weinhart fix
Jira Legacy |
showSummary | false |
server | jira.mercurydpm.org JIRA |
serverId | 3f5d657c-4fe6-3b36-bc87-39e3bb269fa2 |
key | MDPM-242 |
| STEP file reader | Bert Scheper | Should the reader be patented? To be discussed with Ant or Thomas; let's keep silent about it |
| | | |
| Review recent commits | | - Thomas: New codes for Silo, Vertical/Horizontal Mixer; issues
- Silo includes use of InsertionBoundary that could be made general (fixed inflow rate; maybe deletion of insertion upon completion? maybe completely general inflow with lambda for generateParticle, and for inflow rate? but not restartable).
- Also new contact model for HertzMindlinRollingTorsion (todo: change HertzianViscoelastic to Hertz, LinearViscoelastic to Linear, SlidingFriction to Sliding, Friction to SlidingRollingTorsion?)
- Can parallel handle simple periodic boundaries?
- Merged/will merge some of these features to the Alpha
- Irana: removed static file-counter in ParticleVtkWriter; this requires making write unconst (todo for walls; can we keep const somehow? unsigned& count?)
- Thomas: new CG can now handle periodic boundaries
- Irana: Work on Bidisperse chutes
- Bert committed some stl stuff
- Marnix: bug fixes parallel, new shear measure in cg
- Ant: notes for merging
- make separate class for Wall/Interaction VTK writer.
Jira Legacy |
showSummary | false |
server | jira.mercurydpm.org JIRA |
serverId | 3f5d657c-4fe6-3b36-bc87-39e3bb269fa2 |
key | MDPM-240 |
- Thomas Weinhart add CG kinetic correction.
| Git-Svn bridge | Anthony Thornton | I now fully understand the problem create the git-svn bridge for MercuryDPM. It is commit 709 and 710. In these commits we changed the naming convention from trunk->Trunk alpha->Alpha etc. Now git svn clone can not follow the moving of existing branch. It simple was not designed to do this. Conclusion: - Only git the trunk,
- Alpha/Release/.. will be accessible only via svn,
- Trunk commits only via git, via push-requests (to be confirmed by Irana, Anthony or Thomas)
- Branches on central server
| | | Nishant and Behzad now has access to the alpha |
| Next meeting | | September 4, Monday, 11:00? |