Discussion items
Topic | Comments |
SuperQuadrics: BoundingSphereRadius | Prolate ellipsoids don't work; Mercury does not detect overlaps; this is because teh BoundingSphereRadius is miscomputed; Dariel is looking at correcting that function, using the Alexander Podzhuk paper. He needs to add special cases in if-statements. |
Problems |
SuperQuadrics: Contact detection |
MercuryCG | Dariel reported a problem running MercuryCG on SuperQuadric particles (loadRestart does nto seem to work) Thomas will take a look once he has Dariels restart files |
Angle distribution | Dariel corrected the distribution of angles (relative to the velocity vector) by sin(theta)/2, but the data for spheres (AR=1) is not perfectly uniform (it should be); also, the data has a large standard deviation
Surface velocity profiles | Dariel sees a difference with aspect ratio in surface velocity profiles of mixed flows: The peak velocity is reached earlier for high aspect ratios. Unknown origin |
Working Document | To write a paper, we need to understand what are teh two segregation drivers that cause a flip in segregation direction at AR~3 Dariel should start a working document, where we keep results as they come in |
For elongated particles, we always see an s-shaped curve, even at Fr=0.01; could it be a "rotation inertia" effect: flows are more frictional when particles still have to orient itself, are less frictional when elongated.
- Check whether angle of orientation w.r.t. streamlines of elongated particle vs r/R_0 shows a re-orientation of particles
- Find transition points rolling-cataracting as function of Froude and AR
- Dariel Hernández Delfin: correct the definition of BoundingSphereRadius in Mercury
- Dariel Hernández Delfin: make a shared Google Drive; put your existing results in (angle distribution, surface velocity profiles, cg data, snapshots); also include the restart files of simulations with different aspect ratio.