Text for new alpha tester
Text for new alpha tester
Dear <name>,
You now have access to the alpha and can obtain via the following command
svn checkout https://svn.mercurydpm.org/SourceCode/Alpha/ --username <username>
If you have any problems or find any bugs please report them at jira.mercurydpm.org
The same account name and password works there.
Please note, both JIRA (bug reporting system) and svn (code management) system have separate password database (i.e. the the passwords are not forced to be the same). I highly recommend you change both password now. For the JIRA password please login at jira.mercurydpm.org for svn please use the following website https://mercurydpm.org/svn/.
For further information on install the code see the website mercurydpm.org and doc server at docs.mercurydpm.org and for updates please subscribe to the maillist. Instructions for this can be found at http://mercurydpm.org/support/mailing-list
I hope all is clear.
Text for new developer
Dear Gustavo ,
You now have read access to the trunk and can obtain via the following command
svn checkout https://svn.mercurydpm.org/SourceCode/Trunk/ --username <username>
If you have any problems or find any bugs please report them at jira.mercurydpm.org
The same account name and password works there.
Please note, both JIRA (bug reporting system) and svn (code management) system have separate password database (i.e. the the passwords are not forced to be the same). I highly recommend you change both password now. For the JIRA password please login at jira.mercurydpm.org for svn please use the following website https://mercurydpm.org/svn/.
Additionally to this you have your own branch (based on the Trunk which you can edit and commit back to). To get this type
svn checkout https://svn.mercurydpm.org/SourceCode/Branches/GCastillo/ --username <username>
From this branch you can pull changes from the Trunk and I can push changes back. Let me know if you have something you would like to give to the Trunk.
I have attached a presentation about svn and how to commit and update from the trunk. Let me know if anything is unclear and your have further questions. A copy of which can be found in Documentation/AdditioanalDoc/IntroToSVN.pdf
For further information on install the code see the website mercurydpm.org and doc server at docs.mercurydpm.org and for updates please subscribe to the maillist. Instructions for this can be found at http://mercurydpm.org/support/mailing-list
I hope all is clear.
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