Twente Openscience Platform Home

Open science is the movement to make scientific research (including publications, data, physical samples, and software) and its dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional. Open science is transparent and accessible knowledge that is shared and developed through collaborative networks. It encompasses practices such as publishing open research, campaigning for open access, encouraging scientists to practice open notebook science, and generally making it easier to publish and communicate scientific knowledge.

 [Wikipedia April 2019]

This wiki is the for new Twente Openscience Platform (TOP) which aims to promote and stimulate open-science at the University of Twente and in the wider community. 
Are current activities include:
  • encouraging TOP PhDs
  • maintaining a wiki for discussion open-science (this wiki)
  • organising workshop for people interested in and engaged in open-science activities. 


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