For this month we have a google chat room for quick questions. Please send an e-mail to a.r.thornton@utwente.nl to get access or join a meeting and ask. Google does not recommend making this rooms complete open.
- Documentation/ needed for:
- Advanced tutorials (main developers: sit dow and make a list of tutorials necessary; link to youtube videos)
- New tutorials
- Interaction::computeNormalForce
- Tutorials
- Consolidation of coupling (merge/make compatible Mitchel and Hong; parallelise)
- Release
- Resurrect Marnix mu(I) code
- STEP Files (file format for curved geometries)
- Sydney demo programs for teaching
- Convert demos to tutorial;
- check naming of files/dir's/variables;
- restore old codes
- Add logo into videos (done)
- Setup Confluence answers
- Oomph: Non-dimensionalisation is needed, we need to find out why. Hong uses the output function to produce dimensional output.