Dates: April 20-May 20th
- JIRA Jobs
- Documentation - New branch: Documentation. Anthony will change the root of this branch to the trunk.
Please use svn checkout
This does not have Juan changes at the moment as they did not merge cleanly i.e. this is based on the current trunk and fully passes all selftest for me. - Advanced tutorials (main developers: sit dow and make a list of tutorials necessary; link to youtube videos)
- New tutorials
- Interaction::computeNormalForce - Juan has started. - Timo will improve Hertzian and Mindlin by himself because his info is in German.
- Link UnitTests to each contact model. Plot the interactions.
Normal contact models: - Linear spring dashpot model - UnitTest
- Hertzian spring dashpot model - UnitTest
- Elastoplastic contact forces - UnitTest
- Sintering (time-temperature dependent) - UnitTest
- Enhanced sintering model interaction - UnitTest
Friction contact models: - Sliding friction interaction - UnitTest
- Friction interaction - Tutorial - SelftTest
- Mindlin interaction - ---
Adhesive contact models: - Dry cohesion for elastic contact forces - Linear reversible cohesive force - UnitTest
- Wet cohesion - Irreversible adhesive interaction - UnitTest - SelftTest
- Liquid migration - Irreversible adhesive interaction - SelftTest
- Charged bonded - UnitTest - SelftTest - Do we have any reference for this model? - A// Thomas will send me a paper
- Pharmi McMeking sinter interaction - SelftTest. This self-test is in a USER directory. Maybe could we change it to SelfTests directory ? A// Move to
Include check function in unit tests.
- Tutorials
- Anthony Thornton take look at UnitTest and see why there is selftest data
- Convert demos to tutorial;
- Consolidation of coupling (merge/make compatible Mitchel and Hong; parallelise)
- Oomph: Non-dimensionalisation is needed, we need to find out why. Hong uses the output function to produce dimensional output.
- Release
- Resurrect Marnix mu(I) code [Hong]
- STEP Files (file format for curved geometries)
- Sydney demo programs for teaching [Juan, Ant]
- Check naming of files/dir's/variables;
- make cleanup branch
- Restore old codes
Mitchel: May 4-5
Juan: May 13-14
Hongyang: May 12
Yousef: May 15 / 18-19
Everyone, please curate your own section below yourself.
| |
Teach | Do you still need skills to do you tasks? SVN, MercuryDPM basics, etc. |
Slack | Do you have access to slack |
Calendar | Did you get teh calendar invite? Anyone to add? |
Juan | Documentation; Sydney demo programs for teaching - Convert MercurySimpleDemos to tutorials. MercurySimpleDemos: - CubicCell.cpp
- FreeCooling2DPeriodicDemo.cpp
- FreeCooling3Demo.cpp
- FreeCoolingDemo.cpp
- FreeCoolingTryplePeriodic.cpp
- FreeFallInteractionSelfTest.cpp
- FreeFallSelfTest.cpp
- HeaterBoundaryTest.cpp
- HGridUnitTest.cpp HourGlass2DDemo.cpp
- HourGlass2DDemoMPI.cpp
- HourGlass3DDemo.cpp
- HourGlassSelfTest.cpp
- InsertionBoundarySelfTestMPI.cpp
- MasterChuteUnitTestMPI.cpp
- MinimalExampleDrum.cpp
- ParallelUnitTest.cpp
- ParticleCreationSelfTest.cpp
- ParticleInclusion.cpp PeriodicBoundaryUnitTestMPI.cpp
- PeriodicChuteUnitTestMPI.cpp
- PeriodicWallsUnitTest.cpp
- REV_IsotropicCompression.cpp
- REV_PurShear.cpp
- REV_SimpleShear.cpp
- HourGlassSelfTest.cpp Warning: This file cannot be moved
Could I move these self tests to SelfTests directory? A// Yes -
InsertionBoundarySelfTestMPI.cpp -
MasterChuteUnitTestMPI.cpp -
ParticleCreationSelfTest.cpp -
FreeFallInteractionSelfTest.cpp : Warning: interaction file will take up a lot of disk space!
Could I move these unit tests to UnitTests directory? A// Yes -
PeriodicBoundaryUnitTestMPI.cpp -
PeriodicChuteUnitTestMPI.cpp -
PeriodicWallsUnitTest.cpp -
ParallelUnitTest.cpp -
Which demo tests does Anthony Thornton want for teaching? R// | Thomas | - Check whether SelfTestMPI is executed if MPI=ON
- A// Thomas will send me a paper on Chargedbonded.
MercuryCG tutorial (transition from fstatistics); look at topics in alert workshop- Resurrect old codes (in the log list all changes)
- Merge completed features from my Branches into Trunk (done)
Most of the directories have been resurrected (in Branches/ResurrectOldCodes/): add_subdirectory(SerializedDriver) add_subdirectory(Simple_MD) add_subdirectory(Leidenfrost) add_subdirectory(GranularJet) add_subdirectory(Avalanching) add_subdirectory(CartesianShearCell) add_subdirectory(Segregation) What is missing: - SelfTests not working - #add_subdirectory(Raisa) - #add_subdirectory(Chute) - Job MDPM 301: Update Hour Glass Demo. The description of this job is: This code is written in a weird way with respect to what N.
To update the structure, some changes need to be done. Maybe I could rewrite this code using the tutorial format.
- Job MDPM 282: Write a tutorial on how to create your own code
- Documentation: Write your own code. Updated.
- Job 306: Add a review doc of what files can be turned on
- Job 304: Hourglass does not seem able to write multiple data files.
I've created a new beginner tutorial, tutorial11. This tutorial shows how to work with axisymmetric walls inside a cylindrical domain. Furthermore, it is based on the hourglass demo. This tutorial can write multiple data files (Job 304). |
Thomas | - Resurrect old Driver code directories (SerializedDriver, Leidenfrost, GranularJet, Avalanching, CartesianShearCell, Segregation), see r4549
- Thomas Weinhart Contraction directory cannot be resurrected, make a new Contraction driver.
- Anthony Thornton look at Chute directory, Codes are extremely old (#include "scr/Chute.h")
- #add_subdirectory(Contraction) ChuteWithPeriodicInflow.h is not recoverable (svn conflicts, missing variables |
Ant | - Change settings of MercuryDPM website [done]
- Make mercurydpm forward-only email adresses work (info, personal, etc)
- Backup script for web pages
- Finish off oomph-lib testing branch, so we have an oomphlib branch we can commit to
Timo |
- Documentation Mindlin
- Enhance Mindlin
- Implement a collisionselftest for mindlin
- Walls doc
Doxygen infinite loop script (now works in background): |
Mitchel | - Coupling;
- look at open jobs at JIRA (started)
- Tutorial on 2D and 3D parameter studies (JIRA MDPM - 307)
- Code
- Documentation
- Validation
Hong | - Make the structure of the coupled codes consistent
- Clean up my branches to be merged with Mitchel's
- CoupledProblem class and how to inherit
- Volume coupling
- Match the current velocity
- (Augmented) Lagrange multiplier
- Merge implicit and explicit branches into the main coupling branch
- Surface coupling
- Smooth particle-finite element contacts
- Triangulated walls with prescribed velocity from Oomph-lib
- Coarse-Grained coupling force
- Marnix \mu(I) rheology
- Works on a CG converter tool (e.g. In Tools
Yousef | - Clean up melting, add test cases (PS: My branch should not be merged back till the work is published).Look and pick some JIRA
- Coding style and format
- Error checks
- Test Cases:
- Update ThermalParticleVtkWriter: to avoid dynamic_cast!
- JIRA jobs:
- I noticed some jobs are repeated: Do not delete, just link them (e.g. latex pb in documentations).Default CG fun in fstatistics: Gaussian, while in MercuryCG: Lucy polynomial..
- Test failing on cluster and Windows 10 [MDPM-311] : I ran fullTest on Win10 and cluster, all passed.
- Add Doxygen section to the "Coding style of the kernel" on the website [MDPM-95]: The section already on the website, do we need to add it in the documentation?
- make separate VTKWriter class for Wall/Interaction VTK writer [MDPM-240]: There is also done, right? -> a unit test is needed.
- Adhesive particle contacts increases simulation time [MDPM-323]: which adhesive species? -> we need to contact Nikzad Falahati, Anthony knows him.
- ..
Hao | Check the StressStrainControlBoundary: - Check the comment of each function implemented in this boundary and modify the documentation.
- Add a detailed version of the tutorial of one deformation mode. (New page on Isotropic compression.)
- Update the detailed pdf and it to the additional document.
- Maybe add more videos and tutorials on different deformation modes:
- PureShear,
- SimpleShear, (Volume conserving, no stress control activated)
- SimpleShear, (Changing volume, activate the stress control)
- How to deal with the input data folder? Reference it? Or make them separate folders but then need to check all the other folders also.
Please don't copy input data, instead refer to the source directory using getMercurySourceDir in CMakeDefinitions. Include the path in the cpp file and read the input data from there, so avoid copying. Here is the issue of MPI without c++ binding issue. I think it is general in all the new version of openmpi, not only on mac. can someone test this with newest openmpi on either windows or linux? Jira Legacy |
server | JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | 3f5d657c-4fe6-3b36-bc87-39e3bb269fa2 |
key | MDPM-327 |
Added the logo with slogan to the NewDocumentation branch. |
Julius | Converting demos to tutorial (Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Cooling States, F-C-Demos) |