Discussion items
Dariel gives presentation.
Thomas' notes:
- x-axis log
- segregation=0 at AR=1
- 1=spheres 2=elongated
- averaging region is very deep
- some assymmetry in density fraction
- spheres always have higher kinetic stress ratio (s_k^1/s_k) than 0.5, even higher than (rho^1/rho), ratio is increasing with more extreme AR
But: you are averaging over inhomogeneous region in z
- d_z=1 characteristic axis perpendicular to surface, d_z increasies with AZ more extreme
- Paper comparing volume vs shape segregation
- Mueller Christophe
- kinetic stress vs size
- A_eff uses average angle
Goal of the paper:
- First show that s_k^1/s_k>phi^1/phi independent of AR
- Then show R_eff=f(AR), and R_eff=R_sphere=1 are the transition points
Next steps:
- Plot R_eff=f(AR) for all AR
- Compare with the Hill Tan theory (see Deepak's paper) by looking at s_k^1/s_k and s_c^1/s_c vs phi^1/phi (using non-averaged values)
- problem: s_c cannot be computed b/c of nan's. THis is likely b/c SuperQuadricParticle::getInteractionWith does return an interaction if the radii overlap, not if the particles are in contace