2020-03-03 MercuryDPM Meeting

2020-03-03 MercuryDPM Meeting

This meeting takes place every two weeks on Monday at 11:00 in N217


Discussion items


Martin Luther King; 45 EUR/night; Mitchel; (Yousef); Thomas & Ant; Juan & Cheng;Julius

Yousef books flight

See also First oomphlib-MercuryDPM meeting

Paolo mergeThomas

Trunk USER/Paolo directory currently fails

Martin Haustein, FreibergThomasVisits Mo 27.01 to Fri 13.03, will implement a concrete pumping system  
Dariel Hernandez Delfin, NavarraThomasVisits 03.02. to 03.05, will work on non-spherical particles in a chute  
Comparison of codesAnt

Hope that you are doing well.

ISSMGE’s TC105 Geomechnics from Micro to Macro chaired by me is running a DEM round robin test.


Can you pass this news to our Powders and Grains colleagues, if possible?

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

Update: Hongyang contacted the organisers. He will put the description of the test problem on Jira. They will publish the results without linking the codes to the outputs It will be angle of repose measurement for multisphere particles.

  • Hongyang will make a JIRA job for this problem.
  • @all: We need a volunteer to run the test problem

Update: Anthony volunteered, but now has no time for it.

External problemsAnt
  • Luca
    • When configuring cmake I get the first error, concerning a CMP0057 error.
      I get rid of it by editing the file Source/CmakeModules/MercuryDocumentation.cmake and commenting the first line (cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW)).
    • in list operator
  • DPM issues.docx
Release Coming  

Now the docker is tested on Windows(Enterpirse, with Hyper-V activated), Mac(10.15) and XUbuntu(18.04) with the possibility of sharing the files between the container and the host machine.

The draft instruction is on the confluence page: "Docker Instructions", please take a look and let me know if you have trouble in following that instruction.

Could someone download docker on his Windows(Professional) system and test it?

Hao needs to check if there is a possibility to make docker works also on Windows(Home).

If this is settled, we could use it for the MercuryDPM course.

Update: Docker works now, on Win, Mac, Linux, can be used in course


Jinja or Jinja2



Do we want to add a python interface to MercuryDPM in the future?

Would be useful to use in combination with GrainLearning.

We also have the Mercury command line interface, but that cannot pass functions.


Starts April 20; first week we give the MercuryDPM courses (April 27-May 22)

There is a student from Erlangen (attanded DEM8) who might be interested in writing this interface in the MercuryMonth [from Hao]

Remind luca, Cambridge, paolo wants to come

Sebastian would like to come to MM.

Paolo: work from home

Johnny: ask via MercuryDPM team

  • Food Hall at Performance Factory is happy to host us, but needs final confirmation
Mercury VideoHao

Youetta made a video:

  • h.shi-1 Final Tweaks still missing, remind Youetta

Documentation/ needed for:

  • Advanced tutorials (written by the developers)
  • New tutorials
  • Interaction::computeNormalForce


Consolidation of coupling


Marnix mu(I) code

STEP Files

Syndey demo orograms for teaching

Add logo in MercuryDPM


Julius wants to use MPIIO for parallel output.

Julius showed profile of Mercury showing that most time is spent in computeForces(p,q). mcount, output is removed. virtual functions are still costly

Parallelisation works now; need to be included in MercuryDPM proper; first in Branch; with OMP library included in MDPM; to be discussed in Julius' meeting

 Thomas, Mitchel, HongOomph: Non-dimensionalisation is needed, we need to find out why. Hong uses the output function to produce dimensional output.  
Technician jobAnthony0.2fte of his salary can be used to hire a technician. Any volunteers are welcome. Please contact Anthony.  

Oomph-meeting April 14-17

Mitchel, Hong, Juan, Julius, Tom, Ant

  Public version of coupling branch: Done today  
  Merging: Do with notes  

Adv. CPP: Mitchel, Yousef, Hong, Juan, Julius, Hao

Basic CPP, Mercury: Timo, Mohammed

  Pictures and Videos: put on surfdrive, send to yousef  

Other items discussed:

  • Next meeting, 17 Feb 2020 at 11:00