2018-02-28 MercuryDPM meeting

2018-02-28 MercuryDPM meeting

Time 10:00

Attendees (invited)

Discussion items

 Review last meeting 

2018-02-15 MercuryDPM meeting

 Review recent commits 


 Blas/Lapack supportThomas

Marnix reported that building the LinearAlgebra package fails on his computer. I recently fixed a misnomer in Mercury (A flag hpGEM* was checked, but the flag was called Mercury_*), which includes external Blas/Lapack libraries.

It doesn't on my computer, which has neither package, so I suspect Marnix has Blas/Lapack installed and that fails. So I temporarily turned off external Blas/Lapack support, so Mercury will always use its internal Blas/Lapack libraries.

 Particle size distributionsYousef

How to add particle size distributions to the kernel? MercuryMonth project?

  • Anthony Thornton: Add several particle size distributions to the insertion boundaries.
 Controlled RVEHao, Thomas

Hao's controlled Shear box simulations could become a boundary condition of MercuryDPM

 Hgrid optimizer Optimiser is currently disconnected. Irana Denissenand Anthony Thornton suggested adding this should be part of the Mercury Month; have added it to list.

In MercuryMonth, a write up is needed on how to parallelise new contact models, etc

 Restart vs LoadFromRestartThomas

The restart flag confuses users and developers. The difference is that sometimes you want to restart an old simulation, sometimes you want to restart and modify an old simulation. Should those cases be distinguished by the kernel?

MercuryMonth project.


What happens for large time steps?

 Next meetingAll

March 14, 10:00?


SVN log since last meeting: