2017-10-11 Meeting notes

2017-10-11 Meeting notes


 11:00 due to scheduling conflicts, the meeting has been POSTPONED


Discussion items

 Review last meeting 

2017-09-18 Meeting notes

 Review recent commits 

See log below:

 File-extension for source files that are not compiled, but includedIrana

to be decided: use hcc files or put definitions in .h for templates

done, use hcc

 Open JIRA jobs Preparation: please close all your Jira-jobs that you finished.
 New InsertionBoundaryJ. M. F. Tsang

I wrote the new InsertionBoundary which separates particle generation from particle placement
But I don't want to commit it because it breaks the tests
And I don't know how to properly update the child classes (other than CIB)

For now, please work in the branch WorkingTrunk, until the Trunk is fixed

Rule: Commit changes that break the code in a branch, to be reviewed by others, then merge back once the selftests are fixed.

 Review MercuryDPM branchesAnthony ThorntonNext time
 Selftest require python 2 

Maybe update to python 3?


 Time test windows vs linuxBert Scheper

using same hardware

selftest linux [m;s]selftest Windows[m;s]hourglass3DDemo linuxHourglass3DDemo windows
 Function: DPMBase::autoNumber()Yousef Shaheen

COUNTER_DONOTSEL , generate 2 for first run -> should be 1

  • scordee Take a look with Yousef at this


 Next meeting 31-Okt, 13:00
  • Anthony Thornton look at "make -j fulltest doesn't work anymore because fstatistics gets copied."


SVN log since last meeting (r2510 ff)