2019-06-29 MercuryDPM Meeting

2019-06-29 MercuryDPM Meeting

This weeting takes place every two weeks on Monday at 11:00 in N217


Discussion items

Trunknow open  
Installation instructionsgcc 4.8-6 is needed  
Intro Jan-Willems work on sinter pellets   
Intro of MercuryTeam to David Pinzon   
DEM8 Open-source MS

Outcome of the DEM8 conference:

Many open-source codes (Mercury, Yade, Esys, ..., 6 total) will work together.

There is now a wiki to communicate:/wiki/spaces/DEMWIKI/overview

First step will be a unified work format. The format should be non-implementation-specific, so you can run simulations from it in several codes for comparison

Urgent issues

Stopping test would be vice

Pressure-control still doesn't work

Group wall


Other items discussed:

  • Due to recess, the next meeting will be on Wednesday, 28 August 2019 at 11:00 (to be confirmed).