2017-02-09 MercuryDPM Meeting

2017-02-09 MercuryDPM Meeting

Location/Time:    11:00


Items under discussion:

ItemDescriptionActions/ decisions
Review last meeting26 Jan 2017 MercuryDPM Meeting 

MercuryDPM May 2017

  • Please add items you will work on. 

Former user (Deleted) will work on the DPM-FEM coupling.

Plan is: encapsulate Mercury into oomphlib, with hooks in both codes; use cmake to create a combined compilation tool; commit the hooks back to oomphlib.


There will be a new class that encapsulates both MercuryDPM and Oomphlib (composition) but for the coupled code Oomphlib will be the main code.

However, for installation it will be MercuryDPM driven.

JIRA jobs issues
  • MDPM-185 Make a restartable structure for Lambda functions:
    is a function handler a good idea? Or just a check which functions have not been reinitialised?)
Paper on websitePlease can people send Anthony Thornton information about missing paper on the MercuryDPM website 
Move to gitWe not have a developement team in Cambridge should we move to git as this will make it
Parallel testingKit tests the cluster; problems: cmake was not installed except on teh main node (it is now); mpi was not installed except on the main node; both had the effect that you cannot run multiple jobs.
Main test Kit is doing: run parallel codes with different n number of processors (from n=1 to 36). He needs to find out how to use chrono to ignore the read-in.
Parallel CGFormer user (Deleted) has implemented a parallel CG, but it has some problems.
HGridIrana, can you update the team?See page Possible changes to HGrid.
Next meetingThursday  , 11:00 


