2017-03-23 MercuryDPM meeting

2017-03-23 MercuryDPM meeting



Items under discussion:

ItemDescriptionActions/ decisions
Review last meeting  

Rough bottom

We want to put a wall underneath rough bottoms (Done by Irana now)


Superquadric (sq) implementation goes well, contact detection works. Lapack routines were added to Mercury for that. In addition, we need to recompile paraview with extra packages to visualise sq's, so the paraview source also will be part of mercury. Deepak is in overleg with the paraview developers on this.

 Anthony should merge. 
ParallelMarnix is currently fixing some issues, will discuss with Thomas 

For more on the promo video, see MercuryDPM Promo video.

Irana would like some advice on choosing a colorscheme for the screw experiments. A gray geometry with colourful particles (Sebas' particles) was suggested (the current black-green scheme is not attractive, nor does it provide contrast)

 Thursday  , 11:00 
