2017-04-06 Mercury meeting

2017-04-06 Mercury meeting



Items under discussion:

Review last meeting

Rough bottom is done and over.

Superquadics are still on going. It is very interested and appears most codes are currently doing this wrong: This should be a point.

Merging will wait for May and Thomas Weinhart

Parallel: still on going see below.

Videos: we read through the list. Everybody happy we should start to collect in May. This should be a point next week.


Irana: I'd like to move getInteractionWith to BaseWall and remove from individual walls.

This makes implementation of superquadrics easier and removes a lot of code duplication.

All tests pass. Any objections?

Everyone here is happy; but we need Thomas Weinhart to confirm he is happy.


numberOfBuckets in HGrid

Has anyone tested Irana's alternative number of buckets? If so, can it be committed?

Advantages: generally faster code. Disadvantages: generally more memory usage, users

can become confused.

No one has tested it.

Speed hitFormer user (Deleted) asked it bi-dispersed should be 1.5 slower than mono when the h-grid.Yes.
MercuryMayWe will Thomas Weinhart all agreed and Irana Denissen and Former user (Deleted) office. The main office will be Thomas Weinhart. 
Parallal ProgressInsertion and deletion boundaries are fixed in parallel version 
